How can we save them when only a handful of dedicated carers and rescue teams are out there scraping them off the road, and the rest of us drive on by? How can we save them when, for all the research and satellite mapping of trees that has been done, we still don’t have the answers to three basic questions:
- Alex Harris
KoalaTracker is self-funded by Alex Harris and Noosa4Sale Pty Ltd. The cost of hosting and maintaining KoalaTracker now exceeds $3,000 per year. Your donation to assist with this direct cost is sincerely appreciated. You can make a direct bank deposit or make a donation via Pay Pal.
Donate Via Bank Transfer
Alex Harris Bendigo BANK BSB: 633 000 ACCT: 218314433 |
koalatracker koala tracker k-tracker koalatracker koala tracker koala tracker koala tracking koala tracking koala mapping mapping koalas koala map national koala tracker national koala mapping national koala database national koalatrakcer koala tracker k-tracker koalatracker koala tracker koala tracking koala tracking koala tracker tracking koalas mapping koalas scientific research tracking koalas mapping koalas ktracker ktracker koala tracker koala tracker