The sole purpose of sharing this correspondence with members is so that you can make an informed decision as to whether you want me to keep this website going in the face of malicious lies and misinformation from certain parties who have misrepresented themselves as creating and owning the intellectual property behind KoalaTracker, previously called KoalaDiaries.
Alex Harris
April 2012
Claims of creation | 14-Dec-2011
ESRI launches AKF mapping website | 01-Apr-2011
AKF launch of map | 31-Mar-2011
ESRI denial | 04-Oct-2010
The Dummy Spit | 03-Oct-2010
AKF Denial | 04-Jun-2010
ESRI-KD discussion | 02-Jun-2010
AKF brief to web designers | 31-May-2010